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Sunny Winter school
by David
Start 2017 in sunny Arizona (USA) with a Winter school on modeling human decision-making in agent-based models of social-ecological systems (January 2-7). The aim of the winter school is to have participants (PhD students and postdocs) learn about the opportunities and challenges of implementing theories of human behavior in agent-based models. Participants will engage intensely with a few behavioral models, reach a deeper understanding of various theories in the social science, and develop the ability to formalize more abstract notions in a specific programming language. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of Netlogo.
From the POLISES group, Birgit and Gunnar will be among the instructors.
Applications are done online by September 1, 2016: https://complexity.asu.edu/CBIEWinterSchoolApplication
Cost: $750 (USD) covers course fees, a shared double hotel room, and meals.
For more information see: https://complexity.asu.edu/CBIEWinterSchool2017