We would like to draw your attention to the international Summer School on Modelling Food Security, which will take place from September 8-14, 2019 at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Germany...
Choosing a specific research direction is not an easy choice. Especially in small universities, such as the Halle-Wittenberg university, only few advanced lectures are...
From March 10-12, the UFZ was host to an international workshop on “Modelling approaches to enhance food security: Synergies from bridging the gap between the micro and the macro scale”, organised by Birgit Müller and our POLISES group...
Most products in the supermarket have seen more countries in their lifetime than I have, even though I like traveling. It is everybody’s own responsibility to be aware where the purchased products come from…
Once every three years, scientists, practitioners – and even artists – from all over the world gather together for the Resilience Conference to discuss research on social-ecological systems under transformations. From August 21-23, 2017, Stockholm served as an exceptionally pleasant host for this year’s conference, which Birgit, Gunnar and our cooperation partner Lance Robinson attended...
At POLISES, we don’t just run simulations. Some of us regularly go out jogging in Leipzig’s abundant green spaces, along rivers or lakesides, across parks and forests...
Communicating models and their results can be difficult, especially to people who do not model themselves. That is, at least, what different modelers write in their publications (Grimm et al. 2006, Lorscheid et al. 2012). Complicated model designs, numerous parameters, advanced statistical methods, and non-linear relationships can indeed be very hard to explain...
It is always fascinating to experience a change of scenery for a while. And I was very lucky that our project funds contained money for 3-months research stays abroad. Therefore, I want to explicitly thank the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research for the funding that made this endeavor possible in the first place...
Directly after New Year’s Day, Birgit, Felix and Gunnar went off to a trip that took them half-way around the globe to Tempe, Arizona. Here, all three took part in a Winter School on modeling human decision-making in agent-based models of social-ecological systems...