In the past summer semester, I had the opportunity to teach a seminar at the University of Leipzig’s geography department. More than 30 students, mostly freshmen and sophomores, prepared presentations and then contributed...
Insurance has been promoted by policy makers at the global level as an appropriate instrument to cope with increasing climate risk under global change. However, are there unwanted by-effects? In a recent letter...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
In the first 10 days of November, I went on a research trip to Ethiopia. There, I had the opportunity to represent POLISES in a stakeholder workshop on pastoralism in southern Ethiopia...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
One of our goals, in the POLISES project, is to produce policy-relevant research. Achieving this is not a matter of course; in this blog post, I would like to give two examples of how we try to disseminate insights...
Mohammed Mahdi, Professor of Rural Sociology at Morocco’s National School of Agriculture ENA in Meknès, was a guest of the POLISES group in Leipzig for ten days.
The New Internationalist blog, in a recent article, investigates the implications of climate change for the livelihoods of today's nomads. While the history of nomadic people was often characterised by conflict...
In a ski resort village in the French Alps, about twenty researchers convened two weeks ago to discuss challenges and best practices in transdisciplinary mountain research. Transdis… what? Simply put, this term...
Once again, I (David) had the privilege to travel to Morocco for a few days. The main purpose of this trip was to meet our POLISES partner, Professor Mohamed Mahdi from the National School of Agriculture. We got together several times, both...
In January, shortly after our group was complete, we travelled to Bonn where all the Junior Research Groups funded along with our own got to meet and socialise. In a former theological seminary converted into part retirement home and part fancy hotel, 19 projects from all over Germany and from...