Once every three years, scientists, practitioners – and even artists – from all over the world gather together for the Resilience Conference to discuss research on social-ecological systems under transformations. From August 21-23, 2017, Stockholm served as an exceptionally pleasant host for this year’s conference, which Birgit, Gunnar and our cooperation partner Lance Robinson attended...
In the second half of April I had the chance to attend three interesting events in California and Oregon. First I took part in the Agent-based Modelling Symposium ABM 2017...
It is always fascinating to experience a change of scenery for a while. And I was very lucky that our project funds contained money for 3-months research stays abroad. Therefore, I want to explicitly thank the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research for the funding that made this endeavor possible in the first place...
Directly after New Year’s Day, Birgit, Felix and Gunnar went off to a trip that took them half-way around the globe to Tempe, Arizona. Here, all three took part in a Winter School on modeling human decision-making in agent-based models of social-ecological systems...
At the end of November, I spent one week at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi and Addis Ababa. About one year after Felix’ research trip to Ethiopia, I had the opportunity to return to ILRI to work on a first project report with our project partner Lance Robinson...
Insurance has been promoted by policy makers at the global level as an appropriate instrument to cope with increasing climate risk under global change. However, are there unwanted by-effects? In a recent letter...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
In the first 10 days of November, I went on a research trip to Ethiopia. There, I had the opportunity to represent POLISES in a stakeholder workshop on pastoralism in southern Ethiopia...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
During our research trip to Nairobi, Birgit, Felix, and Gunnar had had the opportunity to present our educational game NomadSed to researchers and stakeholders at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)...
For the past two weeks, Birgit, Gunnar, and Felix went on a very interesting trip to Nairobi, Kenya. From 9-11 June 2015, we participated in the workshop “Putting Innovations to Use in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands”, held at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya...
Once again, I (David) had the privilege to travel to Morocco for a few days. The main purpose of this trip was to meet our POLISES partner, Professor Mohamed Mahdi from the National School of Agriculture. We got together several times, both...