Our Blog

Summer School on Modelling Food Security: Apply Now!

by David

We would like to draw your attention to the international Summer School on Modelling Food Security, which will take place from September 8-14, 2019 at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Germany...

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Final Conference for Junior Research Groups

by David

The POLISES project is part of a specific funding format of the German Ministry of Education and Research: the Junior Research Groups “Global Change” 4+1...

Workshops, Research & Debate


International Workshop on Food Security Modelling

by David

From March 10-12, the UFZ was host to an international workshop on “Modelling approaches to enhance food security: Synergies from bridging the gap between the micro and the macro scale”, organised by Birgit Müller and our POLISES group...

Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate


Our First Briefing Paper at COP23

by David

In order to disseminate our findings among policy makers and development practitioners, we condensed our insurance review into a four-page policy briefing. This document...

Workshops, Research & Debate


Social-ecological modelling at the American West Coast

by Birgit Müller

In the second half of April I had the chance to attend three interesting events in California and Oregon.  First I took part in the Agent-based Modelling Symposium ABM 2017...

Workshops, Research & Debate, Travel


Presenting models in scientific posters

by Felix

Communicating models and their results can be difficult, especially to people who do not model themselves. That is, at least, what different modelers write in their publications (Grimm et al. 2006, Lorscheid et al. 2012). Complicated model designs, numerous parameters, advanced statistical methods, and non-linear relationships can indeed be very hard to explain...

Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate


Seminar on the Impact of Insurance in Stockholm

by Birgit Müller

Insurance has been promoted by policy makers at the global level as an appropriate instrument to cope with increasing climate risk under global change. However, are there unwanted by-effects? In a recent letter...

Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel


Sunny Winter school

by David

Start 2017 in sunny Arizona (USA) with a Winter school on modeling human decision-making in agent-based models of social-ecological systems...

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Winter School 2016 – Ecological Modelling

by David

From 3rd to 13th of March, I (Andi) participated in the 16th Winter School on modelling ecological systems...

Workshops, Our Activities


Session on Human Decision Making in ABMs at iEMSs 2016

by Gunnar Dreßler

We are organizing a session on “The Importance of Human Decision Making in Agent-Based Models of Natural Resource Use” (D6) and an associated workshop at this year’s Environmental Modelling & Software conference iEMSs 2016 in Toulouse, France, for which we invite abstracts.

Workshops, Our Activities
