We are organizing a session on “The Importance of Human Decision Making in Agent-Based Models of Natural Resource Use” (D6) and an associated workshop at this year’s Environmental Modelling & Software conference iEMSs2016 in Toulouse, France, for which we invite abstracts.
In the first 10 days of November, I went on a research trip to Ethiopia. There, I had the opportunity to represent POLISES in a stakeholder workshop on pastoralism in southern Ethiopia...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
The Summer School on how to model human decision making in social-ecological agent-based models took place from 5 July to 10 July 2015 in Kohren-Sahlis (near Leipzig, Germany), and local coordination was heavily supported by POLISES. Four members of our research group were involved...
In a ski resort village in the French Alps, about twenty researchers convened two weeks ago to discuss challenges and best practices in transdisciplinary mountain research. Transdis… what? Simply put, this term...
For the past two weeks, Birgit, Gunnar, and Felix went on a very interesting trip to Nairobi, Kenya. From 9-11 June 2015, we participated in the workshop “Putting Innovations to Use in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands”, held at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya...
From March 5-15, Niklas and Felix participated in the UFZ Winter School in Ecological Modelling. After attending a three-day programming course in C++ in Leipzig, we moved to the small town of Kohren-Sahlis, about 50 km south of Leipzig...
From 5 July to 10 July 2015, our Department of Ecological Modelling (namely Karin Frank, Jürgen Groeneveld and the POLISES group) will be the main local coordinator for an International Summer School. It is titled ‘How to model human decision making in social-ecological agent-based models’ and will take place in...