Our Blog

POLISES retreat at Großbothen

by Kaja Alina Jurak

In May 2023 Birgit, Gunnar, Julia and Kaja went to the Wilhelm Ostwald Park in Großbothen for the yearly POLISES retreat... 



Our Activities, Travel


InsuranceGrass Retreat at ETH Zurich

by Julia Kunkel

After one year of online collaboration, Birgit and Julia met the InsuranceGrass project team in Zurich for a two days retreat... 



Workshops, Our Activities, Project News, Travel


Master’s project: Evaluating the spatial connectivity of fields und agri-environmental schemes

by Meike Will

By Marlene Rimmert

As part of my Master’s degree in Environmental Systems Science at the University of Osnabrück, I did a so-called Master’s project in the POLISES group during my last semester. The aim of such a project is...

Research & Debate


POLISES teaching at BESTMAP summer school

by Meike Will

As part of the BESTMAP project, Birgit and Meike were teaching in the BESTMAP summer school on modelling...

Workshops, Our Activities


Nitrogen management and my way into socio-environmental modelling

by Julia Kunkel

By Felix Jäger

Studying abstract mathematics, you usually don’t know what this should be good for. Of course, you are told that mathematical thinking is needed in countless contexts and that mathematicians can work nearly everywhere. But, as is so often the case, being told something and experiencing its truth are two entirely different things...

Research & Debate


Internship project: Impact of field characteristics on the allocation of agri-environmental schemes

by Meike Will

By Johanna Eichler

I spent six weeks during February and March 2022 as an intern at the POLISES working group. Unfortunately, I did not spend the internship in Leipzig but in home office in Osnabrück where I am studying for a Master's degree in System Science. Nevertheless,...

Research & Debate


Potential side effects of insurance programs: A summary of recent POLISES research outcomes

by Meike Will

During the last years, a main focus of our work within POLISES was on potential side effects of insurance programs. In addition to the review article on maladaptive outcomes of climate insurance...

Our Activities, Research & Debate


How can computer models better help policymakers to solve problems in human-environment systems?

by Meike Will

This is a plain language summary of our paper “How to make socio‐environmental modelling more useful to support policy and management?” which was recently published in People and Nature. This...

Our Activities, Research & Debate


An internship in times of coronavirus

by Meike Will

By David Hötten

From the end of August until the beginning of October I was an intern in the POLISES group. Looking back...

Our Activities, Research & Debate


International Workshop on Social-Ecological Effects of Microinsurance under Climate Change

by Meike Will

From February 4-6, the POLISES working group organized an international workshop within the DFG-funded SEEMI project (Social-Ecological Effects of Microinsurance)...

Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate
