Insurance has been promoted by policy makers at the global level as an appropriate instrument to cope with increasing climate risk under global change. However, are there unwanted by-effects? In a recent letter...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
We are organizing a session on “The Importance of Human Decision Making in Agent-Based Models of Natural Resource Use” (D6) and an associated workshop at this year’s Environmental Modelling & Software conference iEMSs2016 in Toulouse, France, for which we invite abstracts.
For two and a half months, I (Andi) have now been part of the POLISES group and my time here is drawing to a close. Through my admission to the team, my daily work, and my participation at the retreat this year, I was able to...
In the first 10 days of November, I went on a research trip to Ethiopia. There, I had the opportunity to represent POLISES in a stakeholder workshop on pastoralism in southern Ethiopia...
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel
One of our goals, in the POLISES project, is to produce policy-relevant research. Achieving this is not a matter of course; in this blog post, I would like to give two examples of how we try to disseminate insights...
Mohammed Mahdi, Professor of Rural Sociology at Morocco’s National School of Agriculture ENA in Meknès, was a guest of the POLISES group in Leipzig for ten days.
The New Internationalist blog, in a recent article, investigates the implications of climate change for the livelihoods of today's nomads. While the history of nomadic people was often characterised by conflict...